The Cambridge City Council held its regular twice-monthly meeting on November 12. The Spy saw three highlights worth sharing, and the video is above.
Cambridge Director of Planning Brian Herrmann discussed a project to place solar panels in a wooded area in the city. Commissioner Brian Roche expressed his displeasure with the clearing of trees in that area, doubtful that the panels were more important. Herrmann insisted that the project is necessary.
During public comments, Ms. Clark spoke about her current homelessness ordeal caused by several residence condemnations, and she requested help and solutions from city leaders, which several promised to discuss with her. Also, Mr. Gordy had questions about the recent city election, specifically about paperwork and scrutiny he’d faced as a candidate, and Assistant City Manager Brandon Hesson addressed his concerns.
This video is approximately 12 minutes in length.
I have always wondered why there is such opposition to solar since I have come to the shore. Seems like anything modern to improve the shore is opposed. Look at all the time wasted on the opposition to the development in Trappe. Where I come from opposition to improvements usually concerned money. The opposed parties usually were not getting their share.
I would say that it’s about conserving our way of life. I believe most cherish the mostly rural nature of the Eastern Shore and do not encourage urban sprawl (that seems unavoidable as developers can’t make too much money). I don’t know many who oppose solar power but they wouldn’t want it constructed in the countryside. We are forced to find a happy medium to accommodate the needs of the future. Sidenote: Most still feel Trappe’s development is an abomination.