Mayor Rideout opened the meeting at 6pm immediately after a special session on the Hearn Building (which is reported separately).
Presentation by Alpha Genesis on plans for Cannery Way and the “Take my Hand” area. These include a canopy over the mural, a stage area, and construction of a replica of the Ben Ross Cabin, Harriet Tubman father, restrooms and extensive landscaping.
Ashley Clark, Director of the Area Health Education spoke on her non-profit trying to promote better health programs in Dorchester. The organization has a wide range of actives including training programs in the health field, assistants to disable people, oral health for children, elderly health care programs and diabetes education and assistance. Need dollar support and volunteers.
Ordinance 1207- first reading to enact a curfew at 10 pm on weekdays and 11pm on weekends for children 15 and under. This ordinance was the hot topic of the night. More later in this report.
Ordinance 1208- First reading to buy property on Pine St.
Ordinance 1205 – Second reading to update the City’s Ethics Code to the new State guidelines. Passed 5/0
Ordinance 1206 – Second reading to buy property on Pine St as part of the City’s effort to demolish or rehab old houses in Cambridge, Passed 5/0
Old Business: Council approved 6 contracts with non-profits who received money from the ARPA funds the City received from the Federal government.
New Business
- Approved 5/0 to install 2 Electronic Charging stations on Washington St.
- Approved 5/0 to raise the trash pickup rate $4 a month for the next 3 years.
- Approved a committee to be named later to look at changes to the City Charter as it pertains to elections.
- Approved 5/0 to add stop signs at Travers and Choptank, Travers and Oakley, School and Choptank and School and Oakley for speed reduction.
- Traffic calming – a listening session is scheduled for Dec.5th at the Council Chambers. Discussion to talk about circles and other methods.
- Fishing piers – Approved Commissioner Chad Malkus to work with the new Cambridge Harbor group to establish fishing piers in light of the fact that the old route 50 bridge will be demolished as unsafe.
- Resident Utility Rate Listing Session – proposed increases to sewer and water rates – Nov 15, at 6pm at Council Chambers.
- Mayor’s Youth Forum- Nov. 28th at 6pm at Council Chambers to talk about the curfew.
- Listening session on traffic calming, Dec 5 at Council Chambers, 6pm
- HPC meeting on Nov. 16 at Council Chambers
- Planning and Zoning meeting Dec 6. At Council Chambers at 6pm
Public Comment:
- Amy Craig spoke about traffic calming on Somerset St. and her involvement in developing community involvement. Also comments on needed improvements at Gerry Boyle Great Marsh Park including cameras to stop drug transactions.
- Greg Meekins spoke about the speed on Pine St. and thanked police for their help with his non-profit event.
- LaShon Foster spoke on the curfew asking for statistics or other background information on which to make the decision. Spoke against fines of $100 and $200 against parents and the lack of police to enforce the measure.
- A citizen spoke against the curfew (twice) and noted that Salisbury had rejected a similar proposal.
- Ms. Jackson spoke against the curfew and instead stressed the need to promote literacy in our young people.
- Germaine Anderson stated that the curfew would be one tool in the toolbox but more was needed in the City.
- A citizen spoke against the curfew.
- Another citizen spoke against the curfew.
- Will Bishop thanked the Council for his wife, Leslie for supporting Meals til Monday which will allow the organization to provide some food to children over the weekends. Also spoke on the excessive speed on Mill St.
- Theresa Stafford supports the curfew but wants more.
- Mr. Mohammad noted that his car was hit by a rock by youths
- Ms. Woods supports the curfew but noted that it would be difficult to enforce and hard on parents. The City needs to expand support to youth organizations.
- A Citizen from High St. was concerned that all areas of Cambridge be involved in deciding the curfew issue.
(Some speakers did not state their names clearly)
Department Heads:
- Police Chief Todd talked about the police giving out dinners and turkeys for Thanksgiving. Nice effort in community policing.
- The Fire Chief noted that the new Tower Truck is arriving.
Adjourned at 8pm.
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