A Congressional forum will be held Sunday, October 6, at Chesapeake College for candidates running in this year’s general election for the U.S. House of Representatives in Maryland’s 1st Congressional District. The Eastern Shore Chapters of the League of Women Voters are sponsoring the event, which is free and open to the public.
The forum will take place from 1:30pm-3:00pm at Cadby Theater, Chesapeake College, 1000 College Circle, Wye Mills, MD.
All candidates certified by the State Board of Elections have been invited:
Andy Harris (R-Dorchester County)
Blane H. Miller III (D-Harford County) *
Joshua W. O’Brien (I-Harford County) *
Glenna Heckathorn, Co-President of the League of Women Voters of the Mid-Shore, will moderate. Additional questions will be taken from the audience via notecards.
Voters are encouraged to attend and learn more about the candidates and their positions on issues that affect the Eastern Shore. The 1st District includes all of Maryland’s Eastern Shore, plus part of the Western Shore.
The League of Women Voters chapters hosting the forum represent Queen Anne’s County, Kent County, and the Mid-Shore (Caroline, Dorchester and Talbot Counties.)
For further information contact the League of Women Voters at 443-646-3338, [email protected]
The League requests that no campaign literature or paraphernalia be taken into the forum room while the event is taking place.
*Candidate has confirmed participation.
The League of Women Voters takes no position on or endorses any candidate or political party for this or any other election.