April is the first of the four months to have a length of 30 days. The month of April gets its name from the Latin word, Aperio, which means “to open [bud].” April’s full Pink Moon will rise on April 5, this moon is the Paschal Full Moon – an important moon to those who celebrate Easter. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon.
There are several awareness months celebrated in April – the five that get the most attention include; Earth Month, Alcohol Awareness Month, Stress Awareness Month, Autism Acceptance Month, and National Donate Life Month
April’s flowers are the Sweet Pea and the Daisy. The flower meaning of the Daisy is purity, innocence, new beginnings, joy, and cheerfulness. Daisies are composite flowers, a blending of two flowers in complete harmony, their meaning equals true love. In Norse Mythology, the Daisy is known as the blessed flower for the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. The goddess of love is Freyja, pigs were sacred to her and she rode a boar with golden bristles. Freyja also drove a chariot pulled by cats.
My granddaughter is Freyja but nicknamed Freddie, she is a self acclaimed “artist” and lover of stirring “potions”. She has an affinity for the color purple and long braids adorned with daisies. Her favorite shoes are silver wooden clogs. Her “lovie” is named “Toast, he is a golden bear made of Australian sheepskin. She is definitely a goddess of love as the middle child in her family, she is such a kind little girl.
In the language of flowers, the Sweet Pea means blissful pleasure, friendship, gratitude, and goodbye. In France, Sweet Pea flowers are included in the bride’s wedding bouquet to protect her innocence and wish her good luck.
Many folklorists believe that April Fools’ Day began in the 16th century. At that time, New Year’s Day was March 25, with a full week of partying and gift giving until April 1. In 1582, the Gregorian calendar moved New Year’s Day to January 1. Those who forgot or refused to honor the new calendar were teasingly called “April Fool.” Others believe that the idea of April Fools’ Day originated in Ancient Rome and a festival called Hilaria where people would dress up in disguises and imitate or mock others.
The people born in April are energetic and active in nature. They are hugely enthusiastic and are passionate about food, science, books, and travel. April babies are quite receptive to emotions, they feel emotion very deeply, their own and those around them. According to The Statesman; “April born are loyal and generous – the most desirable qualities in a friend. They are adventurous and creative people who don’t just let life pass them by.”
I have three family members with April birthdays, all female. My granddaughter, Hazel will be eleven on April 13 this year. She is an accomplished dancer and has won many scholarships and awards. She is a straight A student who doesn’t hesitate to speak up when someone has been wronged, she is honest to a fault. She has a great sense of humor and adores her family’s sweet rescue dog.
My daughter, Cecile is a dancer, an actress, a director, a photographer, and a mother of three, her birthday is April 16. Both Cecile and Hazel are Aries, which means that they are both passionate and independent, they are hard workers/super achievers. They are sensitive but bold.
Wednesday’s sixth birthday is April 24, she is also a dancer, a swimmer, and an equestrian. Winnie is the tiny commander of a pony named “Sunny”, whom she rides as effortlessly as she walks. She is a confident rider who loves to chat with her Aunt Jenny (Winnie’s instructor) during her lesson. Winnie truly marches to her own drum with her hairstyles, mode of dress, and her beliefs. Winnie has one foot in the fairy world and the other with her family and school friends. Winnie is a fierce protector of her brother and sister and the “rules”, she is a Taurus.
You can spot an April born easily; they will be the ones who will offer to listen to your problems, make you a cup of tea, and give the best hugs. People born in April are kind and empathetic, they care about everyone and everything-think Earth Day.
“April….. hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” William Shakespeare
Kate Emery General is a retired chef/restaurant owner that was born and raised in Casper, Wyoming. Kate loves her grandchildren, knitting and watercolor painting. Kate and her husband , Matt are longtime residents of Cambridge’s West End where they enjoy swimming and bicycling.
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