The St. Michaels Art League (SMAL) has recently begun a new partnership with the Perkins Family YMCA in St. Michaels.
The Y has generously agreed to show monthly exhibits of work by SMAL members on the wall opposite their classrooms. With grant support from the Talbot County Arts Council, SMAL contributed the hanging system and plaque which commemorates the partnership.
Currently an exhibit juried by Sheryl Southwick, an instructor from Easton’s Academy Art Museum, features spring flowers. This exhibit can be seen through the end of May and shows the varied stylings of SMAL members; from botanical to abstract impressionism.
In June, SMAL member George Hamilton will be exhibiting his paintings on the theme of “The Athlete in All of Us.”
George is a long-term member of SMAL and has exhibited widely throughout the Eastern Shore. His oil paintings of boating and water scenes using a palette knife are well known, but for his exhibit at the Y, he has turned to our athletes.
This program is funded in part by a grant from the Talbot County Arts Council, with revenue provided by the Maryland State Arts Council.