Tred Avon Players is thrilled to announce its next production, VANITIES, a poignant comedy-drama written by Jack Heifner and directed by Liz Clarke. It runs April 18-28 at the Oxford Community Center.
VANITIES follows the lives of three Texas women, Kathy (Roegan Bell), Mary (Shae Ann Reid), and Joanne (Cavin Alexandra Moore) from their high school cheerleading days in the 1960s through their adulthood in the 1970s. The play explores the evolving dynamics of their friendship as they navigate through various milestones and challenges, including marriage, careers, and personal growth.
Set against the backdrop of changing social norms and values, VANITIES offers a candid portrayal of female friendship and the pursuit of happiness amidst the complexities of life.
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“We originally had slotted THE BOYS FROM SYRACUSE as our Spring show,” says Melissa Barcomb-Doyle, president of Tred Avon Players. “However, due to unforeseen circumstances, we replaced it with VANITIES, a touching and humorous journey of friendship seen through the eyes of three women. We are excited to bring this highly successful Off-Broadway show to the Shore.”
VANITIES opens on Thursday, April 18 and runs for seven performances through Sunday, April 28. Thrifty Thursday, Friday and Saturday performances are at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday afternoons are at 2:00 p.m. at the Oxford Community Center, 200 Oxford Rd in Oxford. Tickets are adults $25 / students $15 (no fees added.) Thrifty Thursday (April 18) and Sunday matinees sell out quickly!
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