The Board went into closed Executive Session at 5:30 pm to discuss personnel, negotiations, legal matters, and administrative functions. Board President Mike Diaz opened the Public Meeting at 5:45 pm with Board Members Susan Morgan (Vice-President), Talibah Chikwendu, and Sheri Hubbard present and constituting a quorum of the Board. Board Member Chris Wheedleton was absent.
The Board approved the proposed agenda with the exception of moving the discussions of Alternative Education proposals to Executive Session. (4-0)
The Board approved the personnel actions for June 3, 2024. (4-0)
Interim Superintendent Dr. Jymil Thompson presented the proposed FY2024-2025 Budget for Dorchester County Public Schools (DCPS), which includes a total Operating Budget of $88,538,525 (an increase of $7,484,866 over the FY2023-2024 Budget). Under the proposed Budget, Dorchester County would provide $23,740,838 of the $88,538,525, with additional revenue coming from the State of Maryland ($59,987,567) and various other sources ($4,810,120).
Dr. Thompson noted that the Budget was developed with consideration of the requirements of the Maryland Blueprint for Education (which requires a specific budget for each school based on need), student performance metrics, discipline data, and financial data. Board and Superintendent priorities included improved customer service, improved financial health, alternative education for disruptive students, early childhood education, and teacher retention. Dr. Thompson reported that DCPS enrolled 4573 students in SY2023-24. He indicated that the FY2024-2025 budget incorporates funding for 16 positions, at a cost of $1,501,826, that were previously funded through expiring ESSER grants.
Mr. Diaz noted that strict mechanisms have been implemented to ensure effective control of expenditures, which have not been managed in the past and have resulted in significant overages. Board members and the public discussed the Interim Superintendent’s decision to transfer Media Specialists into the classroom. It was noted that the Budget could be amended to modify this decision if warranted. The Board approved the proposed FY2024-2025 Budget as presented by Dr. Thompson. (3-1)
The Public Meeting was adjourned at 6:23 pm, whereupon Mr. Diaz left the meeting. The remaining Board Members voted to reconvene in Closed Session to discuss responses to its Request for Proposals (RFPs) for Elementary and Middle School Alternative Education Programs.
The Closed Session was adjourned at 7:15 pm, at which time the Board reconvened in Public Session.
The Board voted to accept the proposals from Transforming Lives to operate Elementary and Middle School Alternative Education Programs for the 2024-2025 school year. (3-0)
The Public Meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm.
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